A downloadable game for Windows

This spatial generator generates a series of rooms based on a theme that you choose at the beginning. Through the corridors, enemies run back and forth and will damage you if you touch them. 

Parts of the level are generated as the game runs; every time the player enters a room, the game factors in their current health to determine how many, if any, additional enemies to spawn, as well as how many health pickups to spawn, both through weighted random generation. Ex. if your health is below 20, you are guaranteed to get at least one health pickup in the next room, while if it's only below 60, you just have a pretty high chance of getting one. If it's above 60, you will never get a health pickup. A similar weighting system is also used to determine the number of rooms generated.


First-person WASD movement

R: reload scene

K: force damage on player


EthanGodwin_SpatialGenerator_ProcGen.zip 26 MB