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It's About Thyme
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Update! Original music, and lots of polish!
May 12, 2020
Ethan Godwin
Just posted a new version of the game with lots of tweaks and UI updates to increase polish, and most notably, original music by our ever-talented friend Grayson Boldt! Hope you enjoy!...
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The Scripting and Polish of It's About Thyme
April 29, 2020
Hey, this is Weston and I was the primary scripter for It's About Thyme! With the core mechanic of the game being switching between the same area at different points in time, it was important that bot...
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The UI Art, Sound Design, and Writing of It's About Thyme
April 29, 2020
Ethan Godwin
Hey, I'm Ethan and I was in charge of UI Art and Design, Sound Design, and Writing for It's About Thyme! I put a lot of focus on making the UI for the game capture the vibe we were going for; I wanted...
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The Art and Level Design of It's About Thyme
April 29, 2020
Hey everyone! My name's Pete, and I was the environment/character artist, animator, and level designer for this project. I also did a bit of coding. The art of It's About Thyme was a departure from my...
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