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Ethan Godwin
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!Bird Postmortem
December 02, 2021
Over the span of this project we have learned a lot working together as a team, as well as in each of our specific roles. We began with a bit ambitious expectations but in the end managed to make some...
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Car Driving - Melody
December 01, 2021
I was responsible for the implementation of the 3 moving cars on the roads. I implemented a schoolbus because some people had a difficult time finding the school so I thought making an eye catching mo...
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Level Art - Final Thoughts
December 01, 2021
Working on the art implementation has certainly been a learning process. I had never really done worldbuilding with and asset pack quite to this scale before so there were some things I wasn't able to...
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UI - Final Thoughts
December 01, 2021
Ethan Godwin
#devlog, #ui
In addition to my main Sound & Narrative Designer role, I also took up doing all the work on the UI for !Bird ; this meant designing the layout, functions, when UI elements would appear, creating the...
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Narrative Design - Final Thoughts
December 01, 2021
Ethan Godwin
As I was working on the Narrative Design for !Bird, the direction I went with it actually changed more than I expected. I initially didn't plan to have much of a climactic ending for the game, but I e...
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Sound Design - Final Thoughts
December 01, 2021
Ethan Godwin
One of my main jobs for !Bird was being the Sound Designer; this meant picking out and implementing all of the audio that went into the game, from 3D environmental sounds to UI sounds to music. I did...
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Character Controller Changes
November 29, 2021
Over the span of this semester, one of the main challenges for me specifically was creating a character controller that felt good to use, worked well with our gameplay loop and was intuitive to the pl...
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Level Scripter - Connor
November 29, 2021
Mechanics: Character Controller have player always move forward, with player able to control Target identification system check if the color the player is looking at matches a predetermined color (suc...
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Level Art Polish - Melody
November 27, 2021
After implementing all of the districts(housing, downtown, and park) respective models, I have been working on polishing our level art and worldbuilding. Some of the changes I've made include adding a...
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Worldbuilding Update - Melody
November 01, 2021
I have been working on implementing our art assets into the whiteboxed level. Upon doing this I have had to optimize some of our layouts to accommodate for real world things like roads and the overall...
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Playtest feedback and plan going forward
November 01, 2021
Ethan Godwin
After our playtests, we reviewed the feedback we got from everyone who played the game and took note of the most common comments people made. We then compiled a list of changes we want to make to the...
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Level Scripter (UPDATE) - connor
November 01, 2021
This time around some art was added into our base scene, and I was able to code a character controller for our bird model, as well as add functionality to scan the people in the environment. Flying is...
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Sound & Narrative Design Update
November 01, 2021
Ethan Godwin
Since my last post, I've done a lot of work on picking out and implementing sounds for the game. Sounds have been picked out for all player actions, and I've also picked out 3D environmental sounds. F...
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Art Direction
October 20, 2021
Art Direction Low Poly City Scape Reference Future In Game Implementation Asset Pack: Low Poly Ultimate Pack by Polyperfect on the Unity Asset Store...
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Layout/Whitebox - Melody
October 20, 2021
Legend for Unity Whitebox Green = Trees Dark Grey = Roads Light Grey = Parking Lots S = School L = Library G = Gym Changes Originally, I was working on the city district but inherited the task of whit...
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Sound & Narrative Design
October 20, 2021
Ethan Godwin
Sound style references The sound style for !Bird will match the quirky, offbeat nature of its premise, referencing games like Donut County and A Short Hike. Some sounds, like wind blowing or cars movi...
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Layouts and whiteboxes - Ethan
October 20, 2021
Ethan Godwin
Layouts: Final digitized layout: Decisions and Changes: Most of the changes between these layouts came from the method our group took in divvying up the work; we split the city into three main sectors...
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Layout/whitebox - Connor
October 18, 2021
While designing the layout for our level, we each drew up a different section of the level multiple times to have some variety to choose from. I went with the park section and these were my three mock...
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